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Love for the environment.       You clap one, I clap one, we can't litter in public;
       You clap two, I clap two, and we should use sacks when buying vegetables;
       You clap three, I clap three, and we should be economic when using water from today;
       You clap four, I clap four, and we should remember to turn off the light when leaving;
       You clap five, I clap five, and we can't waste a piece of grain;
       You clap six, I clap six, and we should recycle the used battery;
       You clap seven, I clap seven, and we should not waste paper and pencils;
       You clap eight, I clap eight, and we should protect trees and flowers;
       You clap nine, I clap nine, and we should make friends with animals;
       You clap ten, I clap ten, and we should protect the environment by ourselves.
       This Clapping Song is easy to understand and remember, so it is loudly sound in the aerospace above

the bright and spacious classrooms of the No. 1 Primary School of Jinzhou, Hebei. That is a prominent example of the idea "the education to protect environment should start from children in China".
       The environment education is an important part of the education career in China. The environment Exhibition of primary school pupils' aiming at the primary and junior school students mainly include: to grasp the basic environment knowledge, such as the basic knowledge of ecology, environmental sanitation; to understand the relevant environment issues and their harm; to form strong environment consciousness, and pay attention to the environment, care about the environment and protect the environment inwardly and emotionally; to develop the initial ability to solve environment problems, including the recognition and judgment about environment and the ability to deal with environment problems.
       In recent years, a new education system
